Friday, July 22, 2011

Gateway p7811-fx hang-ups fix using Rivatuner

Hi everybody,
I haven't posted in a while. Just wanted to write down how to "fix" the p7811-fx using Rivatuner. This fixes hang-ups while playing games (screen freezes, sound loops). Here are the steps (taken straight from this forum, cited in bold):

  1. Download the latest version of RivaTuner here;
  2. Install RivaTuner and Run the program;
  3. In the Main tab, click on the arrow next to Customize under Driver Settings to bring up more options then click System Settings (the first Icon);
  4. In the Overclocking tab, where it says "Force constant performance level" select performance 3D;
  5. Click apply, and reboot the system when prompted.

If for some reason the "Force constant performance level" drop-down is grayed out you will need to go to the "Power users" tab in the initial RivaTuner window. Then click on the "+" next to "RivaTuner \ NVIDIA \ Overclocking". Look for "EnablePerfLevelForcing" and under Value type 1. Click apply, this should allow you to modify "Force constant performance level." Finally, follow steps 3-5 above.

I've been monitoring temperatures and they are normal - so I doubt this fix will cause any severe damage to my video card.

This has so far worked for me - it doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you, hopefully it does. I'll give you guys an update within a few days.

Update: After 15 days, no lockups. This is a confirmed fix for me. However, every once in a while my sound will go crazy and start looping under certain games - but no lockup. The sound seems to fix itself after a bit.

And that's all it takes to "fix" the laptop. I don't know exactly if and how much this affects the performance, but it has worked for me for over 2 years now.
Just one additional note: if you install new nvidia drivers, you are going to need to perform steps 3-5 above once again because installing new drivers overrides rivatuner.
Hope that helps!


  1. it stoped my hang up but i still have a huge fps loss when the motherboard temp things read 92C (and my cpu will read 82~ and gpu 72~ ) if i keep it cooler then that everything runs great and high fps

  2. What is the latest Nvidia 9800M GTS Geforce Driver I can use with Rivaturner?
